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About Me

Hey There! I'm XMate! I am currently 12 years old and I am a coder. I got hooked into Scratch coding when I was 8. I have got pretty good at it currently and am exploring other programming languages. I'm from India and I own a YouTube channel as well where I make tutorials and other videos related to programming! I'm a yellow belt in Karate as well!

I know how to swim and I love to swim as well! My hobbies are reading (novels, storybooks, study books, etc.), drawing, watching YouTube, practicing Karate, etc. I am also learning how to play cricket and have enrolled in a Cricket Academy.

I know many more programming languages other than Scratch - which include HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), basics of JavaScript, basics of Python, etc. I have also tried other block coding languages such as code.org and Microsoft MakeCode. I have also tried many Scratch mods such as Turbowarp, Gandi IDE, PenguinMod, Pictoblox, etc. which have way more features. I have also tried Snap! which is really amazing as well!

I am really good at drawing, but on pen and paper. I am not that good at digital art though, sadly. But I do make some good digital art sometimes. But the fact is: I'm better off in drawing with pen/pencil on paper.

I am the one who codes all the XMate games and app, and this website.
My most successful project is Staged - The Full Game, which is an April Fools simulator (in basic words) where your aim is to prank fellow Scratchers by performing certain actions - the actions are supposed to be choosed by you. In that game, we present to you the homepage of the Scratch (3.0) website, which is interactive. You have to press the correct button and then select the correct action. Also, your prank must not be obscure (too obvious) and the Scratch Team must not ban you (in the game, not really). This game is a collaboration between me and The_Blue_J. The game is awesome and also got front paged once on Scratch. [image below]

The front page of Scratch when the project was front paged ("curated")

It was curated by Scratcher cinammcnx

and I'm really grateful to her - it was the first time a project of mine got front-paged! Also, it was front-paged on April 27th, 2024.

About XMate

1. A Breif Overview

XMate is a small organisation lead by an individual. XMate codes games and apps (collectively known as "projects") and publishes them on this website, on the Scratch website (if made on Scratch) and on itch.io. The aim of this small organisation is simple - create and distribute amazing software, and that's what we do.

Currently, XMate is just lead by one individual - that's me. I generally identify myself as "XMate" on the web for privacy reasons. I may reveal in the future my identity anyways.
In the future, I plan on to make XMate a big and dominant organisation in the field of software (apps and games') development. I hope I will succeed in making my dream a reality.

Also, since you're viewing this website, I think you must surely have checked out my Scratch projects. Thanks for being with me in this journey from just the beginning!
Below is more details such as evolution of XMate, How I began my coding journey, how I got the idea of XMate, etc.
Feel free to check that out and make sure to check out my projects!
Thanks again for reading.

2. Evolution of XMate

My journey as XMate began on April 16th, 2022 when I created the Scratch account XMate-Tech.
I don't know how I got the idea of this name, but somehow I just got the name XMate in my mind (pronounced X-Mate) - but it seemed, and is, really awesome, and so I created this account.
I also added the word "Tech" into it since I was about to make some apps and games ("projects" or "softwares") and maybe some OS simulators which basically are technical stuff - so I got that word.
I separated the two with a hyphen ("-") and thus got my username "XMate-Tech".
But wait! XMate-Tech wasn't my first username - this account I created on April 16th, 2022 WASN'T my first account!

3. My first (Scratch) account and username.

My first EVER Scratch account and username was APP-DEVELOPER. To be honest, I have had multiple Scratch accounts in the past - but I'm not going to let you know about all of those (good luck finding them). But APP-DEVELOPER was my first one.
The username is really generic (I know and acknowledge that). I just combined the word "APP" and "DEVELOPER" separated by a hypen ("-").
Remember, I was 8 years old! At that time, I just knew the fact that the buttons we tap on our Android phones to open amazing interfaces which can do amazing things were "apps" and thought that I was about to "develop" AKA code them and so I was going to be a "developer" so since I develop apps, my username must be a combination of the words "APP" and "DEVELOPER" separated by a hyphen ("-") to make reading it easier.

That was what I thought while creating the account.
Click here to visit my profile and check out my projects.
There are 86 projects which are really basic each (since I was learning back then). Some of them are really cool! Go check them out.
I'll add more later :).

4. Evolution of the XMate Logo and Banner.

Coming Soon...